Born in Ferrara in 1974, I approached photography in 2012, it was immediately my greatest passion and my refuge. To photograph is to steal a piece of soul and give a bit of one's own.
Photography is in our heart, an art form capable of stopping for an instant, making it eternal and unique ... it gives you the opportunity to get in touch with nature in its most intimate secrets, this nature capable of creating and destroying so extremely complex as it is incredibly simple ... it would be enough to sit down and listen to it, understand it, obey its rules.
List exhibitions done or works done ... well this is not my aim, passions should not be documented or dirtied with glory and fullness of oneself, passions are followed, listened to, lived.
With my photos I would just like to give you a point of reflection, give you a smile or a thought towards a specific event. The photographs must be felt inside both for those who make them and for those who look at them, leaving room for our dreams or fears, it is up to us to interpret them and decide to take them forever with us.
A beautiful Steve Jobs cutter from his speech at Stanford University on June 12, 2005 is my everyday mantra: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't get trapped in dogmas, which will lead you to live according to the thinking of other people. Do not let the noise of other people's opinions silence your inner voice. And, more importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition: they will guide you somehow in knowing what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary. "
Sonia Campanelli